Με… αστροναύτες από τοιχογραφίες των Σουμερίων και περίεργες απεικονίσεις της Παναγίας, το Βατικανό έδωσε τη δική του φετινή εκδοχή για τη...
Why does statue of Mary in the Vatican's nativity set so ugly. It looks like something a toddler would make if he had access to concrete, sheets of copper and pasta. pic.twitter.com/W3cuSyecir
— Ave Christus Rex (@Avechristus_rex) December 10, 2020
So the Vatican presepe has been unveiled....turns out 2020 could get worse... pic.twitter.com/xI2NMNn81r
— Elizabeth Lev (@lizlevrome) December 11, 2020
This year’s #Vatican Nativity scene, revealed tonight, comes from a town in the Abruzzi region of Italy famous for its ceramics. Its creators say it’s meant to have a contemporary and unconventional look influenced by ancient Greek, Sumerian and Egyptian art. Photo: @dibanezgut pic.twitter.com/ozEeaQWJ6r
— Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) December 11, 2020
pronews.grThis is this year’s Vatican nativity scene and it needs to be destroyed. I’m not even kidding. A few men with sledgehammers should do the trick. We have to stop passively putting up with these insults to the faith and Catholic sensibilities. pic.twitter.com/H3XGVdHw6a
— Lina O (@OneHeilanCoo) December 11, 2020